INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS AGUSTÍN GARCÍA, S. L. has as main activity the manufacture of leaflets for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and veterinary industry, within the national market.

The activity that INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS AGUSTÍN GARCÍA, S.L. develops, does under the quality regulations required by the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015.

The Policy statement includes the following guidelines:

Commitment to comply with applicable requirements including legal and regulatory requirements.

Based on defined strategic lines and the analysis of the context, establish the objectives of growth, optimization of processes and reach of maximum customer satisfaction.

Implement Quality indicators, as well as track their performance level.

Ensure that the working conditions of workers are optimal by assessing the risks that may occur in the processes, eliminating as much as possible and reducing the evaluated.

To develop the programs of suitable continuous formation to obtain the best qualification of the workers, implying thus to all the personnel in the achievement of all the objectives established in the present document.

Commitment to maintain the continuous improvement of the management system implemented in the company. Promote and achieve a motivating environment for all members of the company.

Management makes this policy accessible and makes it available to its customers, all its employees, suppliers and all interested parties.

The Policy is kept up-to-date through periodic reviews, coinciding with the revisions of the system by the management, in order to take into account changes in environmental conditions and the information received. In this sense, the management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established scheduled and periodically.


Rubí, 27.6.2018